Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. La clase de matemáticas (terminar) a las cuatro.
2. ¿Te gusta (estudiar) psicología?
3. La profesora (explicar) el mapa.
4. Necesito (comprar) el libro de español.
5. Ustedes no desean (tomar) la clase de física.
6. Maite y Javier no (estudiar) los sábados.

1. termina

2. estudiar
3. explica
4. comprar
5. tomar
6. estudian

1. La clase de matemáticas termina a las cuatro.

2. ¿Te gusta estudiar psicología?
3. La profesora explica el mapa.
4. Necesito comprar el libro de español.
5. Ustedes no desean tomar la clase de física.
6. Maite y Javier no estudian los sábados.


1. La clase de matemáticas termina a las cuatro.

To find the correct form of the verb, we need to know the subject of the sentence, which is "la clase de matemáticas". Since it is a singular subject, we use the third-person singular form of the verb "terminar", which is "termina".

2. ¿Te gusta estudiar psicología?
To find the correct form of the verb, we need to know the subject of the sentence, which is "te" (referring to "you"). Since it is a singular subject, we use the second-person singular form of the verb "gustar", which is "gusta".

3. La profesora explica el mapa.
To find the correct form of the verb, we need to know the subject of the sentence, which is "la profesora". Since it is a singular subject, we use the third-person singular form of the verb "explicar", which is "explica".

4. Necesito comprar el libro de español.
To find the correct form of the verb, we need to know the subject of the sentence, which is "yo" (referring to "I"). Since it is a singular subject, we use the first-person singular form of the verb "comprar", which is "compro".

5. Ustedes no desean tomar la clase de física.
To find the correct form of the verb, we need to know the subject of the sentence, which is "ustedes" (referring to "you all"). Since it is a plural subject, we use the third-person plural form of the verb "desear", which is "desean".

6. Maite y Javier no estudian los sábados.
To find the correct form of the verb, we need to know the subject of the sentence, which is "Maite y Javier". Since it is a plural subject, we use the third-person plural form of the verb "estudiar", which is "estudian".


just start with the verb then continue the sentence with the rest of the words

1) Terminará

2) Estudiar
3) Explica
4) Comprar
5) Tomar
6) Estudian