Name 3 different systems of media ownership that can be found worlwide.Name a country where each system can be found

There are three different systems of media ownership that can be found worldwide: public, private, and state ownership. Here are examples of countries where each system can be found:

1. Public ownership: In this system, the media is owned and operated by the government or a public authority on behalf of the citizens. An example of a country with public ownership is the United Kingdom, where the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) serves as a public broadcaster funded by a license fee paid by citizens.

2. Private ownership: In this system, media outlets are privately owned by individuals or corporations. The United States is an example of a country with private ownership, where media companies such as CNN, NBC, and Fox News are owned by private entities and operate for profit.

3. State ownership: In this system, the media is owned and controlled by the state or government. China is an example of a country with state ownership, where major media outlets such as China Central Television (CCTV) and Xinhua News Agency are directly owned and operated by the state.

It's important to note that these examples are just illustrations, and media ownership systems can vary within countries and may evolve over time.