If the rule is b=a-6,then is this right?

a b
-2 -4
2 -4
6 0
10 4

It would help 1,000,000s.

yes EXCEPT the top one

-2 - 6 = -8

Ok. Thanks!! :]

To verify if the given rule b = a - 6 holds true for the given values of a and b, we need to substitute each value of a into the equation b = a - 6 and check if it's equal to the corresponding value of b. Let's go through each pair of values:

For a = -2:
b = -2 - 6
b = -8
The value of b should be -8, but it is listed as -4. Therefore, this pair does not satisfy the rule.

For a = 2:
b = 2 - 6
b = -4
The value of b is -4, which matches the given value in the table. So, this pair satisfies the rule.

For a = 6:
b = 6 - 6
b = 0
The value of b is 0, which also matches the given value in the table. So, this pair satisfies the rule.

For a = 10:
b = 10 - 6
b = 4
The value of b is 4, which matches the given value in the table. So, this pair satisfies the rule.

Therefore, out of the four pairs provided, two pairs satisfy the given rule (a = b-6), while the other two pairs do not.