Which of the following groups of words in bold is nonrestrictive and should therefore be set off with commas in the sentence

My yarn WHICH IS BLUE AND GRAY will make a very pretty scarf.

Hats KNITTED BY MY MOTHER are worn all winter by my family.

The person WHO TAUGHT HER TO KNIT is my great-aunt

the words in caps are supposed to be bold

only the yarn.

Although, I am ambivalent about the hats. With the comma, it's just a comment about the hats. Without the commas, it's clear that only mother-knitted hats get worn.

hats knitted by my mother are worn all winter by my father . yes commas will be there ..................

In the given sentence, the group of words that should be set off with commas is "Hats KNITTED BY MY MOTHER." This group of words is nonrestrictive because it provides additional information about the subject ("Hats"), but it is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. To determine where the commas should be placed, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the group of words that provides additional, non-essential information. In this case, it is "Hats KNITTED BY MY MOTHER."

2. Place a comma before and after this nonrestrictive group: "Hats, KNITTED BY MY MOTHER, are worn all winter by my family."

By setting off the nonrestrictive group of words with commas, we clearly indicate that it is an additional detail about the subject but not necessary for understanding the main point of the sentence.