How many perfect squares less than 1000 end with the digit 6?

To find the number of perfect squares less than 1000 that end with the digit 6, we can use a simple approach.

First, let's find the perfect squares whose last digits are 6. The square of a number ending with 6 will also end with 6, since the last digit of the square is determined by the last digit of the original number.

Next, we need to find the largest perfect square less than 1000 that ends with 6. Taking the square root of 1000 gives us around 31.6. Therefore, we need to check the perfect squares from 1 to 31.

Here are the squares of numbers ending with 6 from 1 to 31:

6^2 = 36
16^2 = 256
26^2 = 676

So, there are 3 perfect squares less than 1000 that end with the digit 6.

all numbers ending in 4 or 6 end in 6 when squared.

so, since √1000 = 31.6

count such numbers in that range.