Circle the verb that agrees with the subject of each sentence below

1.Black and white (is are) my favorite color combination.

2.The trees and shrubs (look looks) nice today

3.Place mats or a tablecloth (go goes) in the picnic basket

4.Trucks and tractors (slow slows) traffic down

5.Neither the men nor the woman (want wants) that rule

6.Either Sally or Eric (bring brings) the main course

7.Shirt and tie (look looks) best at a formal dinner

8.Either chicken or steak (taste tastes) good when barbequed

9.Neither the couch nor the chairs (look looks) right in the room

10.Swimming and running ( is are) good ways to exercise.

Is 10 actually are?

5, 7 are wrong.

10 is are.

Isn't women plural though and wants is singular? Sorry, I get confused on certain ones.

5. Your sentence says "woman."

To determine the verb that agrees with the subject in these sentences, you need to identify the subject and its number (singular or plural). Then, you match the verb form to the subject.

1. "Black and white" is a plural subject, so the correct verb form is "are" - Black and white (are) my favorite color combination.

2. "The trees and shrubs" is a plural subject, so the correct verb form is "look" - The trees and shrubs (look) nice today.

3. "Place mats or a tablecloth" is a singular subject, so the correct verb form is "goes" - Place mats or a tablecloth (goes) in the picnic basket.

4. "Trucks and tractors" is a plural subject, so the correct verb form is "slow" - Trucks and tractors (slow) traffic down.

5. "Neither the men nor the woman" is a plural subject, so the correct verb form is "want" - Neither the men nor the woman (want) that rule.

6. "Either Sally or Eric" is a singular subject, so the correct verb form is "brings" - Either Sally or Eric (brings) the main course.

7. "Shirt and tie" is a plural subject, so the correct verb form is "look" - Shirt and tie (look) best at a formal dinner.

8. "Either chicken or steak" is a singular subject, so the correct verb form is "tastes" - Either chicken or steak (tastes) good when barbequed.

9. "Neither the couch nor the chairs" is a plural subject, so the correct verb form is "look" - Neither the couch nor the chairs (look) right in the room.

10. "Swimming and running" is a plural subject, so the correct verb form is "are" - Swimming and running (are) good ways to exercise.