solve the compound inequality


two parts to this problem

1) 2x-4> 0
2) 2x-4 <8

solve each separately

1) 2x > 4

2) 2x<12

if x is greater than 2 and less than 6 write it like this: 2<x<6

I solve these all together by adding 4 to all 3 parts and then dividing all 3 parts by 2.

that way, I don't have to worry about the directions of the inequalities.

0<2x-4 <8

To solve the compound inequality 0 < 2x - 4 < 8, we need to isolate x by performing the same operation on all parts of the compound inequality.

Step 1: Add 4 to all parts of the inequality:

0 + 4 < 2x - 4 + 4 < 8 + 4

This simplifies to:

4 < 2x < 12

Now we have a simple inequality with a single variable.

Step 2: Divide all parts of the inequality by 2:

4/2 < (2x)/2 < 12/2

This simplifies to:

2 < x < 6

Hence, the solution to the compound inequality 0 < 2x - 4 < 8 is x ∈ (2, 6).