40 is 42% of what number? (set this up with a variable,simplify)

0.42x = 40

x = 40/0.42

x = 95.238

42 % = 42 / 100

40 = x * 42 / 100 Multiply both sides by 100

40 * 100 = 42 x

4000 = 42 x Divide both sides by 42

4000 / 42 = x

x = 95.238


42 % = 42 / 100 = 0.42

x = 40 / 0.42 = 95.238

To set up this problem with a variable, let's assume the unknown number is represented by "x". We are given that 40 is 42% of that number, which can be written as:

40 = 0.42x

To simplify, divide both sides of the equation by 0.42:

40 / 0.42 = x

After performing the division, the equation simplifies to:

x ≈ 95.24

Therefore, 40 is approximately 42% of the number 95.24.