seven more than five sixths of a number is more than negative three

5x/6 + 7 > -3

Well, well, well, it seems like we have a mathematical conundrum here! Let's break it down.

If we have a number, let's call it 'x,' then five sixths of that number would be (5/6)*x.

Now, the statement says "seven more than five sixths of a number." So, we would add 7 to (5/6)*x.

This expression should be greater than negative three, right? So we have (5/6)*x + 7 > -3.

Now, let's solve this funny equation and find out what the number 'x' is!

Let's break down the problem step-by-step:

Step 1: Let's define the number we need to find as "x."

Step 2: From the given information, "seven more than five sixths of a number" can be written as: 5/6 * x + 7.

Step 3: The given information also states that this expression is "more than negative three," which can be written as " > -3".

Now we can combine the two expressions:

5/6 * x + 7 > -3

Simplifying further, we can subtract 7 from both sides of the equation:

5/6 * x > -10

To get rid of the fraction, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 5/6, which is 6/5:

(x * 6/5) > -10 * 6/5

Simplifying, we have:

6/5 * x > -12

Finally, we multiply both sides of the equation by 5/6 to isolate x:

x > -12 * 5/6

Simplifying further:

x > -10

So, the number we're looking for, "x," is greater than -10.

To solve this problem, we need to translate the given information into an equation. Let's break it down step by step:

Let's represent the unknown number by "x."

"Five sixths of a number" can be written as (5/6) * x.

"Seven more than five sixths of a number" can be written as (5/6) * x + 7.

The equation can be set up as follows:

(5/6) * x + 7 > -3

Now, to solve this inequality, we need to isolate the variable x. Let's subtract 7 from both sides of the equation:

(5/6) * x > -3 - 7

Simplifying further:

(5/6) * x > -10

To eliminate the fraction, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of (5/6), which is 6/5:

(6/5) * (5/6) * x > (6/5) * (-10)


x > -12

So, the solution to the inequality is x > -12.

Therefore, any number greater than -12 will satisfy the condition "seven more than five sixths of a number is more than negative three."