
LCD = c^2 d^2

= ( d(2c-d) + c(c+d))/(c^2d^2)
= (2cd - d^2 + c^2 + cd)/(c^2d^2)
= (3cd - d^2 + c^2)/(c^2d^2)

You did not say what you want done with it.

To simplify the expression:

Step 1: Identify the common denominator for the two fractions. In this case, the common denominator is c^2d.

Step 2: Rewrite each fraction with the common denominator.

(2c-d)/(c^2d) = (2c-d)/(c^2d) * (d/d) = (2cd-d^2)/(c^2d^2)

(c+d)/(cd^2) = (c+d)/(cd^2) * (c/c) = (c^2+cd)/(c^2d^2)

Step 3: Combine the two fractions.

(2cd-d^2)/(c^2d^2) + (c^2+cd)/(c^2d^2) = (2cd-d^2+c^2+cd)/(c^2d^2)

Step 4: Simplify the numerator.

2cd + c^2 - d^2 + cd = 3cd + c^2 - d^2

Therefore, the simplified expression is (3cd + c^2 - d^2)/(c^2d^2).