Samantha Vega gross weekly salary is 600 dollars her weekly federal withholding is 35 dollars . the Social Security tax is 6.2 percent of the first 90,000 . the Medicare tax is 1.45 percent of gross pay. this state tax is 1.5 percent of gross pay. each week she pays 12.40 for medical insurance. what are Vegas total deductions ?


Withholding = $35

SS tax = 0.062 * 600 = ?
Medicare = 0.0145 * 600 = ?
State tax = 0.015 * 600 = ?
Medical insurance = 12.40

Do the calculations and add the results.

To calculate Samantha Vega's total deductions, we need to consider federal withholding tax, Social Security tax, Medicare tax, state tax, and medical insurance.

1. Federal withholding tax:
The weekly federal withholding is given as $35.

2. Social Security tax:
The Social Security tax is 6.2% of the first $90,000 of gross pay. Since Samantha's gross pay is not mentioned, we will assume it to be $600 (her weekly salary). So, the Social Security tax can be calculated as:
(6.2% / 100) * $600 = $37.20

3. Medicare tax:
The Medicare tax is 1.45% of gross pay. Calculating it for Samantha's gross pay of $600:
(1.45% / 100) * $600 = $8.70

4. State tax:
The state tax is 1.5% of gross pay. Calculating it for Samantha's gross pay of $600:
(1.5% / 100) * $600 = $9.00

5. Medical insurance:
Samantha pays $12.40 each week for medical insurance.

Now, let's calculate the total deductions:
Federal withholding tax: $35
Social Security tax: $37.20
Medicare tax: $8.70
State tax: $9.00
Medical insurance: $12.40

Total deductions = $35 + $37.20 + $8.70 + $9.00 + $12.40 = $102.30

Therefore, Samantha Vega's total deductions are $102.30.
