Identify the publisher and the numbers for Ellison's 2002 edition Invisible Man

To identify the publisher and the numbers for Ellison's 2002 edition of "Invisible Man," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the book using an online search engine or a reputable bookselling website.

2. Enter the title and the author's name, in this case, "Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison.

3. Look for the specific edition you are interested in, which in this case is the 2002 edition.

4. Once you find the book's listing, scroll down and look for information about the publisher.

5. The publisher's name should be listed along with other publication details.

6. To find the numbers associated with the book, such as ISBN or other identification numbers, look for them in the book's description or details section.

Following these steps will allow you to find the publisher and associated numbers for Ellison's 2002 edition of "Invisible Man" easily.