what is the answers to chapter 13 study guide for social studies?

The answers are in Chapter 13.

As an AI language model, I don't have access to specific study guides or their answers. However, I can help guide you on how to find the answers you are looking for in chapter 13 of your social studies study guide. Here's what you can do:

1. Review your textbook: Check the relevant chapter in your social studies textbook. Read the text carefully, paying attention to key concepts, definitions, and important information related to chapter 13.

2. Class notes and lectures: Go over your class notes and any lectures or presentations related to chapter 13. Look for any important points or topics covered and try to understand them thoroughly.

3. Online resources: Utilize online resources such as educational websites, encyclopedias, or reputable sources related to social studies. Search for chapter 13-specific topics using keywords from your study guide.

4. Consult your teacher or classmates: Reach out to your teacher or classmates for clarification or further explanation on any questions or topics from chapter 13. They may provide additional insights or resources to help you understand the material better.

Remember, it is important to actively engage with the study material, take notes, and understand the concepts rather than relying solely on finding pre-written answers.