

7m - 9m = -2m

-2m = -12

m = ?

To solve the equation 2x - x = 1.5, we need to combine like terms and isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Combine like terms
In this equation, we have 2x and -x. To combine them, we subtract x from 2x:
2x - x = 1.5
x = 1.5

Step 2: Simplify
The equation simplifies to x = 1.5.

So the solution to the equation 2x - x = 1.5 is x = 1.5.


x = 1.5

2x-x = x so x = 1.5

Think of 2x-1x = 1x

Thanks! so then for this equation:

7m-9m= -12
does m= -12?