You drop a rock off a bridge. The rock's height, h(in feet above the water), after t seconds is modeled by h=-16t2+541. What is the height of the rock after 2 seconds?

sub in t = 2

h =-16(4) + 541 = 477


To find the height of the rock after 2 seconds, we need to substitute the value of t = 2 into the equation h = -16t^2 + 541.

Let's calculate it step by step:

First, substitute t = 2 into the equation:
h = -16(2)^2 + 541

Simplify the expression within the parentheses:
h = -16(4) + 541

h = -64 + 541

h = 477

Therefore, the height of the rock after 2 seconds is 477 feet.