if lamar has scored 99,71,58 and 73 on his previous four tests, what score does he need on his next test so that his average is 79?

(99 + 71 + 58 + 73+ x)/5 = 79

To find out the score Lamar needs on his next test in order to have an average of 79, we need to calculate his current average and then determine the score needed to reach the desired average.

1. Calculate the current average:
- Add up the scores Lamar has already received on his previous four tests: 99 + 71 + 58 + 73 = 301.
- Divide the sum by the number of tests taken (which is 4): 301 / 4 = 75.25.
So Lamar's current average is 75.25.

2. Determine the score Lamar needs on his next test to have an average of 79:
- Multiply the desired average by the total number of tests Lamar will have taken after his next test (which will be 5): 79 * 5 = 395.
- Subtract the sum of the scores Lamar has already received (301) from the required total score (395): 395 - 301 = 94.
Therefore, Lamar needs a score of 94 on his next test to have an average of 79.