what,according to the basic conditions of employment act applies with regard to the contraventions?

See Related Questions below.

Pls gys help me to answer that questn,becuse idn't knw where to start

According to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), contraventions refer to violations or breaches of the employment conditions outlined in the legislation. The act lays down various provisions and conditions that employers must adhere to in regards to their employees' working hours, leave, remuneration, and other related matters.

In order to determine what applies with regard to contraventions under the BCEA, you should follow these steps:

1. Familiarize yourself with the relevant sections of the BCEA: The BCEA contains detailed information about employees' rights and employers' obligations. Obtain a copy of the act or access it online to understand the provisions related to contraventions.

2. Identify the specific contraventions: The BCEA outlines different contraventions that employers may commit, such as failure to pay the minimum wage, not granting annual leave, or not complying with prescribed working hours, amongst others. Read through the act to identify the specific contraventions that you are concerned about.

3. Understand the consequences: The act also specifies the consequences for contraventions. It may include penalties, fines, and other legal actions that can be taken against employers who fail to comply with the provisions. Familiarize yourself with the penalties associated with each contravention.

4. Seek legal advice if necessary: If you believe that there has been a contravention of the BCEA, you can seek legal advice from an employment lawyer or consult with a relevant labor authority in your jurisdiction. They can provide guidance on the specific steps to take based on the nature of the contravention.

Remember, the BCEA provides a framework for the protection of employees' rights and outlines the obligations of employers. It is essential to be familiar with the act's provisions and seek legal advice when necessary to ensure compliance and protection of your rights as an employee.