Suppose we have |ϕ⟩=∑y∈{0,1}nβy|y⟩ such that βy=0 if s⋅y=1mod2 and βy=12(n−1)/2 if s⋅y=0mod2, where s is some hidden n-bit string.

(a) If we run Fourier sampling on |ϕ⟩, what is the probability that we see s?

I had the same question, can anyone help us ASAP

did you get the answer pls?


To determine the probability of observing the hidden string s when running Fourier sampling on the state |ϕ⟩, we need to calculate the probability amplitude of the state |s⟩ in the transformed basis.

In Fourier sampling, we apply the n-qubit Fourier transform to the initial state |ϕ⟩. The Fourier transform is defined by the unitary matrix F:

F = (1/√2^n) ∑x,y ω^(x⋅y) |x⟩⟨y|

where ω is the n-th root of unity.

To calculate the probability amplitude of the state |s⟩ in the transformed basis, we need to find the coefficient associated with the state |s⟩ after applying the Fourier transform. Let's denote this coefficient as γs.

To find γs, we can express |ϕ⟩ in the computational basis as follows:

|ϕ⟩ = ∑y∈{0,1}^n βy |y⟩.

Next, we apply the Fourier transform to the state |ϕ⟩:

F|ϕ⟩ = ∑x,y ω^(x⋅y) βy |x⟩.

Now, we can isolate the coefficient γs by taking the inner product of the transformed state with |s⟩:

⟨s|F|ϕ⟩ = ∑x,y ω^(x⋅y) βy ⟨s|x⟩.

Since we are only interested in the probability, we can square the absolute value of the coefficient γs to find the probability of observing the hidden string s:

P(s) = |γs|^2 = |⟨s|F|ϕ⟩|^2.

By simplifying the above expression and taking into account the specific values of βy given in the question, we can determine the probability of observing s.