What is 431804 and 10235.0 rounded to four significant figures?

431804 = 4.318E5 to four s.f.

10235.0 = 1.0235E4 to four s.f.(it has 6 s.f. to start).

To round a number to a specified number of significant figures, follow these steps:

1. Start counting the significant figures from the leftmost non-zero digit.
2. Count all the digits after the first non-zero digit until you reach the specified number of significant figures.

For the number 431804:
1. The leftmost non-zero digit is 4. Start counting from here.
2. Count four digits after the 4: 3, 1, 8, and 0.
3. Since the fifth digit after the 4 is 4, which is equal to or greater than 5, round up.

Therefore, rounded to four significant figures, 431804 would be 431800.

For the number 10235.0:
1. The leftmost non-zero digit is 1. Start counting from here.
2. Count four digits after the 1: 0, 2, 3, and 5.
3. The fifth digit after the 1 is 0, which is less than 5, so no rounding is necessary.

Therefore, rounded to four significant figures, 10235.0 remains as 10235.0.