1) log(9 – x) – log(6 + x) = 1

2) e^2x + e^2x = 1
3) 2e^6x + e^6x = b

log [(9-x)/(6+x) ] = 1

if that is log base ten then
(9-x)/(6+x) = 10^1 = 10

9-x = 60 + 10 x
solve for x

e^(4x^2) = 1

ln (e^4x^2) = ln 1
4 x^2 = 0
x = 0

3 e^6x = b

e^6x = (b/3)
6x = ln b - ln 3

x = (1/6 ) (ln b/3)

1) To solve the equation log(9 – x) – log(6 + x) = 1, we can use the properties of logarithms to simplify it.

First, we can rewrite the equation using the quotient rule of logarithms:

log((9 - x) / (6 + x)) = 1

Next, we can convert the equation to exponential form by rewriting it as:

(9 - x) / (6 + x) = 10^1

Simplifying further, we have:

(9 - x) / (6 + x) = 10

Now, we can cross-multiply to eliminate the fractions:

9 - x = 10(6 + x)

Solve the equation by distributing 10:

9 - x = 60 + 10x

Combine like terms:

9 + 60 = 10x + x

69 = 11x

Divide both sides by 11:

x = 69/11

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x = 6.

2) The equation e^2x + e^2x = 1 can be addressed by combining the terms on the left side:

2e^2x = 1

Now, we can divide both sides by 2:

e^2x = 1/2

To solve for x, we can take the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides:

ln(e^2x) = ln(1/2)

By the properties of logarithms, we can simplify:

2x ln(e) = ln(1/2)

Since ln(e) is equal to 1:

2x = ln(1/2)

Finally, divide both sides by 2:

x = ln(1/2) / 2

Hence, the solution to the equation is x = ln(1/2) / 2.

3) To solve the equation 2e^6x + e^6x = b, first, combine the terms on the left side:

3e^6x = b

Next, divide both sides by 3:

e^6x = b/3

To solve for x, we can take the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides:

ln(e^6x) = ln(b/3)

Using the properties of logarithms, we get:

6x ln(e) = ln(b/3)

Since ln(e) is equal to 1:

6x = ln(b/3)

Lastly, divide both sides by 6:

x = ln(b/3) / 6

Thus, the solution to the equation is x = ln(b/3) / 6.