list the fractions 1/4,3/8,2/6 in order from least to greatest writen in 8ths.

8 cannot be the common denominator. It's not evenly divisible by 6.

To order the fractions 1/4, 3/8, and 2/6 from least to greatest, we need to find a common denominator and convert each fraction to that denominator. The common denominator we can use here is 8, since all the given fractions can be expressed in terms of eighths.

1/4 can be multiplied by 2/2 to get a denominator of 8: (1/4) * (2/2) = 2/8
3/8 already has the desired denominator of 8.
2/6 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 2: (2/6) รท (2/2) = 1/3. Then, we can multiply 1/3 by 8/8 to get 8ths: (1/3) * (8/8) = 8/24.

Now that each fraction is written in terms of eighths, we can compare them:

2/8, 3/8, 8/24

In order from least to greatest, the fractions are:

2/8, 8/24, 3/8

5/7 3/7 6/7

Fraction from least to greatest