how many morphemes and syllables are contained in each of the following words?


saltpeter--two morphemes ,3syllables

I'll get you started:

Ohio -- one morpheme, three syllables
algebra -- one morpheme, three syllables
cows -- two morphemes, one syllable

Study these sites, and I think you'll be able to take it from here.

Sure, I'd be happy to help! Here are the number of morphemes and syllables in each of the words you provided:

Ohio - Morphemes: 2 (Ohi-o) | Syllables: 3
Algebra - Morphemes: 3 (al-ge-br-a) | Syllables: 3
Cows - Morphemes: 1 (cows) | Syllables: 1
Expel - Morphemes: 2 (ex-pel) | Syllables: 2
Congenital - Morphemes: 3 (con-gen-it-al) | Syllables: 4
Canoes - Morphemes: 1 (canoes) | Syllables: 2
Cognate - Morphemes: 1 (cognate) | Syllables: 2
Herb - Morphemes: 1 (herb) | Syllables: 1
Helicopter - Morphemes: 3 (hel-i-copt-er) | Syllables: 4
Saltpeter - Morphemes: 2 (salt-peter) | Syllables: 3

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

To determine the number of morphemes and syllables in each word, let's break down the words and analyze them:

1. Ohio:
- Morphemes: "Ohi" and "o." This word has two morphemes.
- Syllables: "O-hi-o." This word has three syllables.

2. Algebra:
- Morphemes: "Alge" and "bra." This word has two morphemes.
- Syllables: "Al-ge-bra." This word has three syllables.

3. Cows:
- Morphemes: "Cow" and "s." This word has two morphemes.
- Syllables: "Cows." This word has one syllable.

4. Expel:
- Morphemes: "Ex" and "pel." This word has two morphemes.
- Syllables: "Ex-pel." This word has two syllables.

5. Congenital:
- Morphemes: "Con," "gen," and "ital." This word has three morphemes.
- Syllables: "Con-gen-i-tal." This word has four syllables.

6. Canoes:
- Morphemes: "Cano" and "es." This word has two morphemes.
- Syllables: "Ca-noes." This word has two syllables.

7. Cognate:
- Morphemes: "Cogn" and "ate." This word has two morphemes.
- Syllables: "Cog-nate." This word has two syllables.

8. Herb:
- Morphemes: "Herb." This word has one morpheme.
- Syllables: "Herb." This word has one syllable.

9. Helicopter:
- Morphemes: "Helico" and "pter." This word has two morphemes.
- Syllables: "Hel-i-copt-er." This word has four syllables.

10. Saltpeter:
- Morphemes: "Salt" and "peter." This word has two morphemes.
- Syllables: "Salt-pe-ter." This word has three syllables.

Remember to break words down into their smaller units, called morphemes, which are meaningful units. Then count the number of syllables by identifying the separate vowel sounds in a word.

cognate : 4

Helicopter,one morpheme

canoes: three morpheme, 3 syllable