What even number has a 7 in the hundreds place, and odd number in the thousands place ?

What is a number that has even number that has a seven in the hundreds place has an odd number in the thousands place and multiple of 10



To find the desired number, we can start by considering the requirements:

1. The hundreds place should have a 7, indicating a number between 700-799.
2. The thousands place should have an odd number, making it 1000, 1002, 1004, etc.

To combine these requirements, we can increment the thousands place by 2. Starting from 1000 and going up by two, let's check each number for a 7 in the hundreds place:

1000 - No
1002 - No
1004 - No
1006 - No
1008 - No
1010 - No
1728 - No

We didn't find a number that satisfies the conditions. Hence, it seems there is no even number with a 7 in the hundreds place and an odd number in the thousands place.