1/2 of students like baseball 1/8 like basketball 1/3 likes football, so the rest like hockey how many are left that likes hockey?

1/2 = 12/24

1/8 = 3/24
1/3 = 8/24

23/24 of the students like basketball, baseball, and football.

To find out how many students like hockey, we need to subtract the fractions representing the students who like baseball, basketball, and football from a whole (1).

First, let's find the fraction representing the students who like baseball, which is 1/2.

Next, we will find the fraction representing the students who like basketball, which is 1/8.

Lastly, let's find the fraction representing the students who like football, which is 1/3.

To compute the fraction representing the students who like hockey, we add the fractions representing baseball, basketball, and football. However, before adding them, we need to find a common denominator.

The common denominator of 2, 8, and 3 is 24. We'll convert each fraction to have a denominator of 24:

1/2 = 12/24
1/8 = 3/24
1/3 = 8/24

Now, let's add the fractions:

12/24 + 3/24 + 8/24 = 23/24

Therefore, 23 out of 24 students like baseball, basketball, or football. To find the number of students who like hockey, we subtract this fraction from a whole (1):

1 - 23/24 = 1/24

So, the fraction representing the students who like hockey is 1/24. To find the number of students, we multiply this fraction by the total number of students. However, since we don't have the total number of students given in the question, we cannot determine the exact number of students who like hockey.