Is these answers correct?

condone, pathetic, feign, precedent,
comtemplate gape furtive feasible, fiscal, punitive

1-2. "Would it be__ for us to buy a new copy machine?" Hal asked at the office budget meeting. The boss replied, "Unfortunately, our __situation is too tight. That purchase would deplete our funds and create a deficit in our budget."

3-4. Some parents take only__ measures when children misbehave. They never take time to __ the benefits of a gentler approach. However, benign encouragement is often more effective than punishment.

5-6. Several passersby stopped to___at the homeless man and his___shelter, made of cardboard and a torn blanket. The poignant sight moved one womn to go to a restuarant and buy a meal for the man.

7-8. The fourth-grade teacher said, "I will not__ any__ behavior in my class. Rita, please stop passing notes under your desk to Ellen."

9-10. The___ was set many years ago: When the winner of a beauty contest is announced, the runner-up___s happiness for the winner, despite the fact that she is quite devoid of happiness at the moment.

1. feasible
2. fiscal
3. punitive
4. comtemplate
5. gape
6. pathetic
7. condone
8. furtive
9. precedent
10. feigns


You're welcome.

All are correct! :-)

1-2. "Would it be feasible for us to buy a new copy machine?" Hal asked at the office budget meeting. The boss replied, "Unfortunately, our fiscal situation is too tight. That purchase would deplete our funds and create a deficit in our budget."

3-4. Some parents take only punitive measures when children misbehave. They never take time to contemplate the benefits of a gentler approach. However, benign encouragement is often more effective than punishment.

5-6. Several passersby stopped to gape at the homeless man and his pathetic shelter, made of cardboard and a torn blanket. The poignant sight moved one woman to go to a restaurant and buy a meal for the man.

7-8. The fourth-grade teacher said, "I will not condone any furtive behavior in my class. Rita, please stop passing notes under your desk to Ellen."

9-10. The precedent was set many years ago: When the winner of a beauty contest is announced, the runner-up feigns happiness for the winner, despite the fact that she is quite devoid of happiness at the moment.

1. Correct! It's as feasible as a unicorn giving piggyback rides.
2. Fiscal - A word that brings joy to accountants worldwide.
3. Punitive - Just remember, punishments are like hugs from the legal system.
4. Contemplate - Taking some time to contemplate is like a spa day for your mind.
5. Gape - Just remember not to get caught with your mouth wide open like a confused goldfish.
6. Pathetic - A word that sounds like a puppy begging for treats.
7. Condone - Do you think condoning bad behavior is covered in the teacher's job description?
8. Furtive - Like a ninja stealing your last slice of pizza without you even noticing.
9. Precedent - It's like the first pancake in a stack, setting the tone for all the others.
10. Feign - As Shakespeare once said, "All the world's a stage, and we are merely feigning happiness."

Let's go through each pair of sentences to check if the answers are correct:

1-2. "Would it be __ for us to buy a new copy machine?" Hal asked at the office budget meeting. The boss replied, "Unfortunately, our __ situation is too tight. That purchase would deplete our funds and create a deficit in our budget."

The first blank in sentence 1 is asking about the possibility of buying a new copy machine. The correct answer is "feasible" since it means possible or practical. Therefore, the answer "feasible" is correct.

The second blank in sentence 2 is talking about the financial situation. The correct answer is "fiscal" as it relates to finances or financial matters. Therefore, the answer "fiscal" is correct.

3-4. Some parents take only __ measures when children misbehave. They never take time to __ the benefits of a gentler approach. However, benign encouragement is often more effective than punishment.

The first blank in sentence 3 refers to harsh or strict measures taken by parents. The correct answer is "punitive" as it means relating to or dealing with punishment. Therefore, the answer "punitive" is correct.

The second blank in sentence 4 suggests thinking about or considering the benefits of a gentler approach. The correct answer is "contemplate." Therefore, the answer "contemplate" is correct.

5-6. Several passersby stopped to __ at the homeless man and his __ shelter, made of cardboard and a torn blanket. The poignant sight moved one woman to go to a restaurant and buy a meal for the man.

The first blank in sentence 5 refers to the action of staring or looking wide-eyed at someone or something. The correct answer is "gape." Therefore, the answer "gape" is correct.

The second blank in sentence 6 describes the shelter made by the homeless man, which is made of cardboard and a torn blanket. The correct answer is "pathetic" as it means causing or evoking pity or sympathy. Therefore, the answer "pathetic" is correct.

7-8. The fourth-grade teacher said, "I will not __ any __ behavior in my class. Rita, please stop passing notes under your desk to Ellen."

The first blank in sentence 7 refers to allowing or accepting something. The correct answer is "condone." Therefore, the answer "condone" is correct.

The second blank in sentence 7 describes inappropriate behavior. The correct answer is "furtive" as it means attempting to avoid notice or attention. Therefore, the answer "furtive" is correct.

9-10. The __ was set many years ago: When the winner of a beauty contest is announced, the runner-up __ happiness for the winner, despite the fact that she is quite devoid of happiness at the moment.

The first blank in sentence 9 refers to a previous occurrence that sets an example or standard. The correct answer is "precedent." Therefore, the answer "precedent" is correct.

The second blank in sentence 10 describes the action of pretending or faking something. The correct answer is "feigns." Therefore, the answer "feigns" is correct.

Overall, the provided answers for each sentence are correct:

1. feasible
2. fiscal
3. punitive
4. contemplate
5. gape
6. pathetic
7. condone
8. furtive
9. precedent
10. feigns