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Write a one paragraph essay on how developments in technology influenced the rise and decline of the Assyrian Empire.

Certainly! Here are a few websites that can help you find information on various topics:

1. Wikipedia ( This is a good starting point for general information about a wide range of topics. However, it is always recommended to verify information from other sources as well.

2. Google Scholar ( This platform provides access to scholarly articles and academic journals. It can be particularly useful when you are looking for more in-depth and reliable sources.

3. National Geographic ( Known for its reliable and well-researched content, National Geographic covers a wide range of topics including history, civilizations, and more.

Now, let's get to your next question!

The rise and decline of the Assyrian Empire was heavily influenced by developments in technology during ancient times. One major technological advancement that contributed to their rise was the development of the chariot, which allowed the Assyrians to have a superior military force and conquer vast territories. Additionally, the Assyrians were known for their advanced engineering skills, constructing fortified cities with complex irrigation systems that supported agriculture and increased their wealth.

However, the decline of the Assyrian Empire can also be attributed to technological factors. The use of iron by their enemies, such as the Babylonians and Medes, in their weapons and armor gave them a significant advantage over the Assyrians, who primarily relied on bronze. Furthermore, the widespread use of new military tactics, such as siege warfare, rendered the Assyrian defenses less effective.

To further explore this topic, you can refer to various historical books, articles, or research papers that delve into the technological advancements and their impact on the rise and decline of the Assyrian Empire. You can find this information by visiting the websites mentioned earlier or by utilizing university library databases.