23. Write the correct verb form in the blank: yo/encontrar.

yo ___________

(2 points)

24. Write the correct verb form in the blank: ella/cerrar.
ella ___________

(2 points)

25. Write the correct verb form in the blank: nosotros/querer.
nosotros ___________

(2 points)

26. Write the correct verb form in the blank: ellos/contar.
ellos ___________

(2 points)

27. Write the correct verb form in the blank: nosotros/volver.
nosotros ___________

(2 points)

28. Write the correct verb form in the blank: él/decir.
él ___________

(2 points)

29. Write the correct verb form in the blank: yo/decir.
yo ___________

(2 points)

30. Write the correct verb form in the blank: tú/perder.
tú ___________

(2 points)

31. Write the correct verb form in the blank: nosotros/contar.
nosotros ___________

(2 points)

32. Write the correct verb form in the blank: nosotros/preferir.
nosotros ___________

(2 points)

33. Write the correct verb form in the blank: ella/entender.
ella ___________

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23. The correct verb form for "yo/encontrar" is "yo encuentro."

To conjugate the verb "encontrar" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "yo," you remove the -ar ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -o to the stem "encontr-," giving you "encuentro" for "yo."

24. The correct verb form for "ella/cerrar" is "ella cierra."
To conjugate the verb "cerrar" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "ella," you remove the -ar ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -a to the stem "cerr-," giving you "cierra" for "ella."

25. The correct verb form for "nosotros/querer" is "nosotros queremos."
To conjugate the verb "querer" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "nosotros," you remove the -er ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -emos to the stem "quer-," giving you "queremos" for "nosotros."

26. The correct verb form for "ellos/contar" is "ellos cuentan."
To conjugate the verb "contar" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "ellos," you remove the -ar ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -an to the stem "cont-," giving you "cuentan" for "ellos."

27. The correct verb form for "nosotros/volver" is "nosotros volvemos."
To conjugate the verb "volver" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "nosotros," you remove the -er ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -emos to the stem "volv-," giving you "volvemos" for "nosotros."

28. The correct verb form for "él/decir" is "él dice."
To conjugate the verb "decir" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "él," you remove the -ir ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -e to the stem "dec-," giving you "dice" for "él."

29. The correct verb form for "yo/decir" is "yo digo."
To conjugate the verb "decir" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "yo," you remove the -ir ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -o to the stem "dec-," giving you "digo" for "yo."

30. The correct verb form for "tú/perder" is "tú pierdes."
To conjugate the verb "perder" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "tú," you remove the -er ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -es to the stem "perd-," giving you "pierdes" for "tú."

31. The correct verb form for "nosotros/contar" is "nosotros contamos."
To conjugate the verb "contar" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "nosotros," you remove the -ar ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -amos to the stem "cont-," giving you "contamos" for "nosotros."

32. The correct verb form for "nosotros/preferir" is "nosotros preferimos."
To conjugate the verb "preferir" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "nosotros," you remove the -ir ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -imos to the stem "prefer-," giving you "preferimos" for "nosotros."

33. The correct verb form for "ella/entender" is "ella entiende."
To conjugate the verb "entender" in the present tense for the subject pronoun "ella," you remove the -er ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject. In this case, you add -e to the stem "entend-," giving you "entiende" for "ella."