19. Your hermano mayor is

A.) younger than you.

B.) older than you.

*C.) more powerful than you.

D.) smarter than you.

20. Your hermana menor is

*A.) younger than you.

B.) older than you.

C.) more powerful than you.

D.) smarter than you.

Thank You

19 is incorrect

20 is correct


To answer these questions, you need to understand the meanings of the Spanish words used:

1. "Hermano mayor" translates to "older brother" in English.
2. "Hermana menor" translates to "younger sister" in English.

Based on these translations, here are the correct answers:

1. Your hermano mayor (older brother) is **B) older than you**.
2. Your hermana menor (younger sister) is **A) younger than you**.

So, the correct answers are marked with an asterisk (*) in your question.

You can arrive at these answers by understanding the meanings of the Spanish words used in the options and their English translations.