The owner of the studio replaced the tiles last year. The tiles cost $15 for a set of 8 and $2 for each additional tile.

What is the monthly increase the owner charged each of her 34 students over a 6-month period to cover the cost of replacing the tiles?

To complete this question - The floor of the studio is covered with 615 square tiles that measure 2 feet by 2 feet.

Wrong again. There are 435 tiles covering the floor! Sorry.

To find the monthly increase charged to each student to cover the cost of replacing the tiles, we first need to calculate the total cost of the tiles.

The owner replaced the tiles last year, so we need to consider the cost of the tiles for a 6-month period. Each set of tiles costs $15, so the cost for 6 months would be $15 multiplied by 6, which equals $90.

Now, let's find the number of additional tiles required. Since each set of tiles contains 8 tiles, we need to find the number of additional tiles beyond the first set. We subtract 8 from the total number of tiles – 1 set – which gives us 34 - 8 = 26 additional tiles.

Each additional tile costs $2, so the cost of the additional tiles for 6 months would be $2 multiplied by 26, which equals $52.

The total cost of replacing the tiles over a 6-month period would be $90 + $52 = $142.

To find the monthly increase charged to each student, we divide the total cost by the number of students. There are 34 students.

Therefore, the monthly increase charged to each student would be $142 divided by 34, which equals approximately $4.18.

Thus, the owner would have to charge each student approximately an additional $4.18 per month to cover the cost of replacing the tiles.