The relationship between the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and the temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) is


(b) What is the slope of the line?


What does it represent?
(a) It doesn't represent anything.
(b)It represents the constant increase in temperature.
(c)It represents the change in C per unit change in F
(d)It represents the change in F per unit change in C

(c) What is the F-intercept of the line?

What does it represent?
(A)It corresponds to nothing.
(B)It corresponds to the boiling point in F
(C)It corresponds to the sublimation point.
(D)It corresponds to 0 C so it is the freezing point in F

(b) The slope of the line, which is given by the coefficient of C in the equation F=(9/5)C+32, is 9/5.

It represents the change in Celsius temperature per unit change in Fahrenheit temperature.

(c) To find the F-intercept of the line, we set the Celsius temperature (C) to 0 in the equation F=(9/5)C+32. By substituting C=0, we get F=(9/5)(0)+32, which simplifies to F=32.

The F-intercept, which is 32, represents the freezing point in Fahrenheit temperature when the Celsius temperature is 0.

(b) The slope of the line is (c)It represents the change in C per unit change in F.

To calculate the slope, we can compare the given equation with the standard form of a linear equation, y = mx + c, where y is the dependent variable (Fahrenheit temperature), x is the independent variable (Celsius temperature), m is the slope, and c is the y-intercept.

In the equation F = (9/5)C + 32, the coefficient of C is (9/5), which represents the slope. Therefore, the slope of the line is (9/5).

(c) The F-intercept of the line is 32.

The F-intercept is the value of F (temperature in Fahrenheit) when C (temperature in Celsius) is equal to 0. Substituting C = 0 into the equation F = (9/5)C + 32, we get F = 32. Therefore, the F-intercept of the line is 32.

What does it represent? (A) It corresponds to nothing.

The F-intercept does not correspond to a specific temperature or point on the temperature scale. In this context, it simply represents the value of F when C is 0.