What,according to the Basic Conditions of employment applies with regard to the contraventions?

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According to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, contraventions refer to any action that goes against the provisions and regulations outlined in the act. The act sets out various basic conditions that employers must adhere to in order to protect the rights and well-being of employees.

To determine what applies with regard to contraventions, you would need to consult the Basic Conditions of Employment Act itself. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Start by accessing the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. It is a legal document that can be obtained from government websites or legal databases. You can search for the act using popular search engines or visit the official website of the labor department in your country to find a copy.

2. Once you have obtained the act, navigate to the relevant sections that discuss contraventions. In most cases, these sections are found at the beginning of the act and outline the general provisions and penalties for non-compliance.

3. Read through the sections carefully, paying attention to the different contraventions that are outlined and the corresponding penalties for each. The act typically includes specific provisions relating to areas such as working hours, leave entitlement, minimum wages, termination of employment, and other fundamental employment conditions.

4. Take note of any specific requirements, responsibilities, or obligations that employers must adhere to in order to avoid contravening the act. This may include provisions relating to record keeping, payment of wages, employee benefits, and workplace safety standards.

5. Additionally, consider any enforcement mechanisms or procedures for reporting contraventions outlined in the act. These may involve reporting to the labor department, filing formal complaints, or seeking legal remedies.

By following these steps and familiarizing yourself with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, you will gain a clear understanding of what applies with regard to contraventions and how they are addressed and regulated within your country's labor laws.