Please help me solve this differential equation : x^3+ ¡¼(y+1)¡½^(2) dy/dx=0

Uh....I can't read it...

Hi, sorry, the differential equation is:

x^3+(y+1)^2 dy/dx=0

To solve the differential equation, let's follow these steps:

Step 1: Separate the variables.
Rearrange the equation so that the variables x and y are on different sides of the equation:

x^3 + ¼(y+1)² dy/dx = 0

Step 2: Multiply through by dx.
Now, multiply both sides of the equation by dx to eliminate the dy/dx term:

x^3 dx + ¼(y+1)² dy = 0

Step 3: Integrate both sides.
Integrate both sides of the equation with respect to their respective variables:

∫x^3 dx + ∫¼(y+1)² dy = ∫0 dx

Integrating x^3 with respect to x:

(x^4)/4 + ∫¼(y+1)² dy = C

Integrating ¼(y+1)² with respect to y:

(x^4)/4 + (y+1)³/12 = C

where C is the constant of integration.

Therefore, the general solution to the differential equation is:

(x^4)/4 + (y+1)³/12 = C