Which of the following will probably contain the most objective data?

a. An editoral in The Washingtin Post
b. A lettet redutting an article in a medical journal
c. A memoir about working in a coalmine
d. A report with charts documenting hourly wage rates by occupational group

my answer d

The broadest type of search, which looks for your terms any where, is a/ an
a. title
my answer b

I agree with both your answers.

I agree.

To determine which of the given options will probably contain the most objective data, you need to evaluate the content of each option.

a. An editorial in The Washington Post: Editorials are typically written by journalists or opinion writers and often express personal opinions or bias. Therefore, they are less likely to provide objective data.

b. A letter rebutting an article in a medical journal: While a letter rebutting an article may contain some objective data to support its arguments, it is still subjective in nature as it presents a specific point of view.

c. A memoir about working in a coal mine: A memoir is a personal account or recollection of one's experiences, which may include subjective perspectives and interpretations. Hence, it is less likely to contain objective data.

d. A report with charts documenting hourly wage rates by occupational group: This option is the most likely to contain objective data. A report with charts and data that is based on statistics or factual information is generally considered to be more objective.

Based on this analysis, option d. A report with charts documenting hourly wage rates by occupational group is the most likely to contain the most objective data out of the given options.

Regarding the second question, the broader type of search that looks for your terms anywhere is typically called a keyword search. Therefore, the correct answer is b. keyword. A keyword search involves searching for specific words or phrases in a document or database, regardless of their location within the document.