Rosa is a newborn. As she grows, which will she learn to control last? A. Her fingers B. Her hands C. Her arms D. Her head ...

Is the correct answer (D.)her head

I disagree.

At what age are babies able to hold up their own heads?

At what age can they control the use of their arms effectively? (not just waving them around)

At what age can they control the use of their hands effectively? (not just waving them around)

At what age can they control the use of their fingers effectively? (not just wiggling them them)

To determine which body part Rosa will learn to control last as she grows, we need to understand the typical sequence of motor development in infants.

Typically, infants gain control over their body parts in a proximodistal pattern, which means they learn to control their central body parts before they can control their more peripheral body parts.

In this context, the correct answer would be C. Her arms. As Rosa grows, she will most likely learn to control her head first, followed by her arms, hands, and finally her fingers. This sequence aligns with the general development pattern observed in infants.