I was sick this weekend so the person who sent home my work didn't send me the book and my notes for this english assignment so can u please help me!!

Nominative and Objective case
1. the guide showed (we, us) the Yoruba sculpture exhibit. is it us?

Yes. The guide showed us . . .



To determine whether "us" or "we" is correct in this sentence, you need to understand the concepts of nominative case and objective case.

Nominative case refers to the case of pronouns when they are used as subjects of a sentence. Objective case refers to the case of pronouns when they are used as objects of a verb or a preposition.

In the given sentence, the pronoun "us" is the object of the verb "showed," indicating that the objective case should be used.

To double check, you can rephrase the sentence using the pronoun in question as the subject and see if it still makes sense. In this case, you can say "We showed the Yoruba sculpture exhibit," which makes perfect sense. On the other hand, rephrasing it with "we" as the object would result in an incorrect sentence: "The guide showed we the Yoruba sculpture exhibit."

Therefore, the correct pronoun to use in this sentence is "us." The sentence should be: "The guide showed us the Yoruba sculpture exhibit."