determining variables and identifying this type of quasi-exp design for this study is confusing: Study: lower socioeconomic status student benefit more over time from an academic tutoring program than higher socioeconomic students. Now: looks like this is a longitudal exp. DV benefits of programs and IV student status. figuring it a group comp before and after design???? Not sure how to discuss or even if I'm on track

You're on the right track, and I can help clarify the design of the study for you.

In this study, the researchers are examining whether lower socioeconomic status (SES) students benefit more over time from an academic tutoring program compared to higher SES students. To analyze this, the researchers have chosen a longitudinal quasi-experimental design.

Now, let's break down the variables in the study:

1. Independent Variable (IV): The independent variable in this study is the student status, specifically the socioeconomic status of the students. In quasi-experimental designs, researchers do not have control over how participants are assigned to different groups, as they would in a true experimental design. So, in this case, the researchers are examining pre-existing groups based on socioeconomic status.

2. Dependent Variable (DV): The dependent variable in this study is the benefits of the academic tutoring program. The researchers want to measure and compare the extent of benefits received by lower and higher SES students over time.

Regarding the study design, instead of a group comparison before and after design, this study follows a longitudinal quasi-experimental design. Here's how it works:

1. Pre-existing Groups: The researchers are studying two pre-existing groups: lower SES students and higher SES students. These groups are already defined based on their socioeconomic status.

2. Measurements Over Time: The researchers will measure the benefits of the academic tutoring program for both groups at multiple time points. This allows them to track any changes or differences in benefits over time.

3. Comparison: By comparing the benefits between the two groups, the researchers can determine if lower SES students benefit more from the tutoring program than higher SES students.

To discuss this study, you can mention that it uses a longitudinal (over time) quasi-experimental design. You can explain the specific variables involved, such as the independent variable (student status) and the dependent variable (benefits of the tutoring program). Additionally, you can emphasize that the researchers are interested in comparing the benefits over time between lower and higher SES students.