prove:1) nCr=nCr-r

2) nCr+nCr+1=n+1Crr+1

To prove the given identities, we will use the definition of the binomial coefficient and combinatorial reasoning.

1) Proof for nCr = nCr-r:

The binomial coefficient (nCr) represents the number of ways to choose r items from a set of n distinct items, where order does not matter. It can be expressed as:

nCr = n! / (r!(n-r)!)

Using the definition of factorial (!), we can rewrite the equation as:

nCr = n! / ((n-r)!(r!))

Now, let's substitute (n-r) for r in the equation:

nC(n-r) = n! / ((n-(n-r))!((n-r)!))

Simplifying further:

nC(n-r) = n! / (r!(n-r)!)

Which is equal to nCr.

Therefore, we have proved that nCr = nCr-r.

2) Proof for nCr + nCr+1 = n+1Cr+1:

The binomial coefficient (nCr) represents the number of ways to choose r items from a set of n distinct items. The identity to prove states that the sum of nCr and nCr+1 is equal to (n+1)Cr+1.

Using the same definition of the binomial coefficient, we have:

nCr = n! / (r!(n-r)!)
nCr+1 = n! / ((r+1)!(n-r-1)!)

Let's find a common denominator for the two terms:

nCr x (r+1)! / (r+1)! = n!(n-r)!(r+1)! / (r!(n-r)!)(r+1)!
nCr+1 = n!(n-r)!(r+1)! / (r!(n-r)!(r+1)!)

Now, we can add the two terms:

nCr + nCr+1 = n!(n-r)!(r+1)! / (r!(n-r)!) + n!(n-r)!(r+1)! / (r!(n-r)!(r+1)!)

Combining the terms over a common denominator:

nCr + nCr+1 = (n!(n-r)!(r+1)! + n!(n-r)!(r+1)!)/ (r!(n-r)!(r+1)!)

Simplifying the numerator:

nCr + nCr+1 = (n!(n-r)!(r+1) + n!(n-r)!(r+1))/ (r!(n-r)!(r+1)!)

Canceling out the common terms:

nCr + nCr+1 = (n!(n-r)!(r+1) + n!(n-r)!(r+1))/ (r!(n-r)!(r+1)!)
= n!(n-r)!(r+1) / (r!(n-r)!(r+1)!)

Cancelling out the common terms again:

nCr + nCr+1 = (n!(n-r)!(r+1) + n!(n-r)!(r+1))/ (r!(n-r)!(r+1)!),
= ((n+1)!)/(r+1)!(n-r)!(n+1-r)!

Which is equal to (n+1)Cr+1.

Therefore, we have proved that nCr + nCr+1 = n+1Cr+1.

By following the steps above, we have proven both identities.