A wooden crate weighs 780 lb. What force is needed to start the crate sliding on a wooden floor when the coefficient of starting friction is 0.40?

Mass = 780Lbs * 0.454kg/Lb = 354.1 kg.

Wc = 354.1kg * 9.8N/kg = 3470. N.
Fp = 3470*sin0 = 0. = Force parallel to floor.
Fv = 3470*cos0 = 3470 N. = Force perpendicular to floor.

Fs = u*Fv = 0.4 * 3470 = 1388 N. = Force
of starting friction.

Fap-Fp-Fs = m*a.
Fap-0-1388 = m*0 = 0
Fap = 1388 N. = Force applied.

To find the force needed to start the crate sliding on a wooden floor, we can use the formula for friction:

\(F_{\text{friction}} = \mu \times F_{\text{Normal}}\)

\(F_{\text{friction}}\) is the force of friction.
\(\mu\) is the coefficient of friction (in this case, the coefficient of starting friction).
\(F_{\text{Normal}}\) is the normal force.

The normal force can be calculated as the weight of the crate since the crate is not accelerating in the vertical direction (assuming the floor is level):

\(F_{\text{Normal}} = \text{weight of the crate}\)

Given that the weight of the crate is 780 lb, the normal force is 780 lb as well.

Now, we can calculate the force of friction:

\(F_{\text{friction}} = 0.40 \times 780 \text{ lb}\)

\(F_{\text{friction}} = 312 \text{ lb}\)

Therefore, the force needed to start the crate sliding on the wooden floor is 312 lb.

To determine the force needed to start the crate sliding on a wooden floor, we can use the equation:

Force of friction = coefficient of friction * normal force

The normal force is the force exerted by the surface perpendicular to the object, which is equal to the weight of the object (in this case, the wooden crate). Therefore, the normal force can be calculated as:

Normal force = weight of the crate

The weight of the crate is given as 780 lb.

Now, we can substitute the known values into the equation:

Force of friction = coefficient of friction * normal force
Force of friction = 0.40 * 780 lb

Calculating this equation:

Force of friction = 312 lb

So, the force needed to start the crate sliding on the wooden floor is 312 lb.