A marathon runner ran the first 5 mi. in 32.5 min. If she continues running at this pace, how long will it take her to run the entire marathon of 26.2 mi?

just set up a simple proportion

t/32.5 = 26.2/5
t = 32.5(26.2)/5 = 170.3 minutes
= 2hrs , 50.3 minutes

To find out how long it will take her to run the entire marathon, we can set up a proportion based on the distance and time.

The proportion is:

5 mi / 32.5 min = 26.2 mi / x min

To solve for x (the time it will take to run the entire marathon), we can cross multiply:

5 mi * x min = 32.5 min * 26.2 mi

Now we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 5 mi:

x min = (32.5 min * 26.2 mi) / 5 mi

x min = 169.5 min

Therefore, it will take her approximately 169.5 minutes (or 2 hours and 49.5 minutes) to run the entire marathon.

To find out how long it will take the marathon runner to complete the entire marathon, we need to use a proportion since her pace remains constant.

We can set up a proportion comparing the distance and time:

5 mi / 32.5 min = 26.2 mi / x min

To solve for "x" (the time it will take to run the entire marathon), we can cross-multiply the equation:

5 mi * x min = 32.5 min * 26.2 mi

Now, we can solve for "x" by dividing both sides of the equation:

x min = (32.5 min * 26.2 mi) / 5 mi

Calculating this expression will give us the time it will take her to run the entire marathon. Let's do the math:

x min = (32.5 min * 26.2 mi) / 5 mi
x min = 170.5 min

Therefore, it will take the marathon runner approximately 170.5 minutes to complete the entire marathon if she maintains the same pace.