why do rubber tires deteriorate more rapidly in polluted areas than in the countryside

Rubber tires tend to deteriorate more rapidly in polluted areas compared to the countryside due to several factors. Polluted areas have higher concentrations of various pollutants, such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide, which can significantly contribute to the degradation of rubber.

One of the primary factors is ozone exposure. Ozone is a highly reactive gas found in polluted urban areas, often created as a byproduct of vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions. When rubber tires are exposed to ozone, a process called ozone cracking occurs. Ozone molecules react with the rubber's polymer chains, weakening them and leading to the formation of cracks on the tire's surface.

Another factor is the presence of abrasive contaminants. In polluted areas, tires are more likely to come into contact with pollutants like road dust, chemicals, and airborne particles, including soot and industrial waste. These contaminants can abrade the rubber, causing accelerated wear and tear.

Additionally, temperature and humidity play a role. In polluted areas, the combination of pollutants and heat can hasten the chemical reactions responsible for rubber degradation. High temperatures accelerate the rate at which the rubber compounds react with pollutants, leading to faster deterioration. Humidity can also contribute to the degradation process, as moisture can permeate the tire and promote chemical reactions within the rubber structure.

To mitigate or slow down the deterioration of rubber tires in polluted areas, regular maintenance and precautionary measures can be taken. Here are some tips:
1. Keep tires properly inflated: Maintaining correct tire pressure helps distribute the load evenly and reduces stress on the rubber, minimizing wear and tear.
2. Clean tires regularly: Removing abrasive contaminants like road grime and dust can help prevent accelerated degradation.
3. Apply tire protectant: Using specific tire protectant products can help shield the rubber from harmful pollutants and UV radiation.
4. Store tires properly: If you have spare tires or are storing tires for a longer duration, keep them in a cool, dry, and clean environment away from direct sunlight and pollutants.

Ultimately, the combination of pollutants, heat, humidity, and abrasive contaminants in polluted areas contributes to the more rapid deterioration of rubber tires compared to the countryside. Proper maintenance and protective measures can help extend the lifespan of tires, regardless of the environment they are used in.