Which of the sentences below is punctuated correctly?

(1 point
)I opened the door and my cat ran outside.
I opened the door, and my cat ran outside.
I opened the door, my cat ran outside.

i think its 2

yes it is correct, since it is 2 sentences joined with a conjunction, thus pinning the name of the sentence a "compound sentence".



You are correct! Sentence number 2, "I opened the door, and my cat ran outside," is punctuated correctly.

When joining two independent clauses (complete sentences) with a coordinating conjunction, such as "and," a comma should be used before the conjunction. This helps to separate the two ideas and make the sentence easier to read.

If we look at sentence number 1, "I opened the door and my cat ran outside," there is no comma before the coordinating conjunction "and." This incorrect punctuation creates a run-on sentence.

On the other hand, sentence number 3, "I opened the door, my cat ran outside," uses a comma, but without the coordinating conjunction. In this case, the comma creates a comma splice, which is also incorrect.

So, the correct answer is sentence number 2, "I opened the door, and my cat ran outside."