I need 12 numbers that have 28 minimum 34 maximum 30 median 29 mode

wat...? could you further explain, im confuzzled.

This isn't as bad as you think

28 minimum and 34 max.

Your numbers have to be between 28 and 34 with a median of 30

28 30 34

You need an equal number of entries above and below 30

with 29 being a mode.. it means you can have multiple entries

28 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 32 33 33 34

The mode is 29 because it occurs 4 times
The 30 is repeated, but it isn't a mode because 29 appears more often.

This isn't the only answer, but I think it works.

To find 12 numbers with a minimum of 28, maximum of 34, median of 30, and mode of 29, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by arranging the numbers in increasing order, as we need to find the median and mode.

2. Since the mode is 29, at least two numbers out of the 12 should be 29. Let's place two 29s in the list.

3. The median is given as 30, which means the sixth number in the list should be 30. Let's place 30 in the middle.

4. Now, we need to distribute the remaining numbers between 28 and 34 while ensuring the given conditions are met.

5. Since the range (maximum - minimum) is 34 - 28 = 6, there are 12 - 1 - 1 = 10 numbers available to be distributed.

6. We can place the numbers symmetrically around the median to meet the other conditions. For example, we can place two numbers less than 29 on one side and two numbers greater than 29 on the other side.

One possible arrangement could be:
28, 28, 29, 29, 30, 31, 31, 32, 33, 33, 34, 34

In this arrangement, the minimum is 28, the maximum is 34, the median is 30, and the mode is 29.