Kelsea has 6 coins. One-third of her coins are dimes. The value of the dimes is one-fourth the value of the coins. How much money does Kelsea have?

if 1/3 of the coins are dimes than we must have 2 dimes which = 20 cents

so the value of the dimes is 1/4 the value of the other coins

20 cents = 1/4 (the other coins)

so the other coins must be worth 80 cents

So.. how much money does Kelsea have?


She has one dollar


To determine how much money Kelsea has, we first need to find out how many of her coins are dimes.

Step 1: Calculate one-third of Kelsea's total coins.
Kelsea has 6 coins, so one-third of her coins is (1/3) * 6 = 2 coins.

Step 2: Calculate the value of the dimes.
The value of the dimes is one-fourth of the value of all the coins.
Since the dimes make up two-thirds of the total number of coins (6 coins), the value of the dimes is (2/6) * (1/4) = 1/12 of the total value.

Step 3: Determine the value of each coin.
If the dimes account for 1/12 of the total value, then each dime has 1/12 of the total value.
Since Kelsea has 2 dimes, the total value of the dimes is 2 * (1/12) = 1/6 of the total value.

Step 4: Calculate the total value of Kelsea's coins.
Since the dimes account for 1/6 of the total value, the remaining 5/6 of the total value must come from the rest of Kelsea's coins.
Therefore, the total value of Kelsea's coins is 5/6 + 1/6 = 6/6 = 1, which means Kelsea has $1.

Therefore, Kelsea has $1.