Write a paragraph naming three possible agendas and one example of each that you might find in the media.

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Write a paragraph naming three possible agendas

To identify possible agendas in the media, we need to consider the underlying motives behind the way news stories are presented. Three common agendas are sensationalism, ideological bias, and corporate influences. Sensationalism seeks to grab attention and generate higher viewer/readership, often at the expense of accuracy and objectivity. An example of sensationalism in the media could be a news article with a misleading headline designed to provoke strong emotions. Ideological bias occurs when news outlets or journalists present news in a way that aligns with their particular political or social beliefs. A prime example of ideological bias might be a news channel consistently framing political events in a way that supports a specific ideology. Corporate influences refer to situations where media organizations are influenced by the interests and financial support of certain corporations, often leading to biased coverage. An instance of corporate influence could be a news segment that downplays or ignores negative impacts of a particular corporation's activities. Identifying these agendas requires critical thinking and analyzing news sources for potential biases.