in 7;11;15. Then to calculate this i use this formula Tn=a+(n-1). So my question is what does "a" stands for?

It probably stands for the first term in a sequence.

Don't you also need a "d" to indicate the difference between terms?

Here Tn = 7+(n-1)*4

In the formula Tn = a + (n-1), the letter "a" represents the first term of the sequence.

To understand what "a" stands for, let's break down the formula:

- Tn represents the nth term of the sequence.
- "n" is the position of the term in the sequence. For example, in the sequence 7, 11, 15, the first term is 7, the second term is 11, and the third term is 15.
- (n-1) represents the difference between the position of the term and the first term of the sequence. This difference is necessary because we want to find the nth term.

By adding the value of "a" to (n-1), we can find any term in the sequence by plugging in the appropriate values for "n" and "a."

In the given sequence, if we let "a" be 7, then the formula becomes Tn = 7 + (n-1), which will give us the desired term, Tn, by substituting the appropriate value for "n".

So, in conclusion, "a" in the formula represents the first term of the sequence.