What is used to show that an assumption is false?

A. inductive reasoning

B. counter example

C. pattern

D. conjecture

ANswer: A

Actually, the correct answer is B. counter example. A counter example is used to show that an assumption is false by providing a specific example that contradicts the assumption. It helps to disprove a statement or theory by presenting a single case where the assumption does not hold true. Inductive reasoning is a method of making generalized conclusions based on observations, patterns are a series of recurring events or shapes, and a conjecture is an educated guess or hypothesis.

The correct answer is B. counter example. To determine if an assumption is false, you can use a counter example, which is an example that disproves the assumption. By providing a specific case where the assumption does not hold true, you can show that the assumption is not universally valid. Counter examples are commonly used in logic and mathematics to demonstrate that a statement or assumption is incorrect.