Thank you for my last post! Can you check my last two answers please?

1. What is the capital of the country whose western border is Haiti? Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

2. What three countries have larger land areas than the United States? Russia, Canada, and China

yes, yes

Certainly! Let's check your answers.

1. What is the capital of the country whose western border is Haiti?
You answered: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Correct! The capital of the country that shares a western border with Haiti is indeed Santo Domingo, which is the capital city of the Dominican Republic. To arrive at this answer, you would need to have knowledge about the geography and neighboring countries of Haiti.

2. What three countries have larger land areas than the United States?
You answered: Russia, Canada, and China

Great job! Russia, Canada, and China are the three countries with larger land areas than the United States. To determine this, you would need information about the land area of different countries. Comparing the land areas of countries, you would find that Russia is the largest by far, followed by Canada and then China. The United States comes in fourth place.

Congratulations on providing correct answers for both questions! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.