How long will it take $800 to earn $18 at 6% simple interest?


18 = 800 * 0.06 * t

18 = 48t
18 = 0.375

0.375 * 12 = 4.5 months

To find out how long it will take for $800 to earn $18 at 6% simple interest, we need to use the formula for calculating simple interest:

Simple Interest = (Principal * Interest Rate * Time)

In this case, the principal is $800, the interest rate is 6% (expressed as 0.06), and the interest earned is $18. We need to solve for time.

Let's rearrange the formula to solve for time:

Time = Simple Interest / (Principal * Interest Rate)

Plugging in the given values:

Time = $18 / ($800 * 0.06)

Time = $18 / $48

Time = 0.375 years

To convert this to a more commonly used unit, we can multiply the decimal value by 12 to get the number of months:

Time = 0.375 * 12

Time = 4.5 months

Therefore, it will take 4.5 months for $800 to earn $18 at 6% simple interest.