If 1inch equals 24ft how big is a 9ft by 7and half ft rug

To determine the size of a 9 ft by 7.5 ft rug using the conversion rate of 1 inch equals 24 ft, you need to convert the measurements of the rug from feet to inches.

So, let's start by converting the dimensions of the rug from feet to inches:

9 ft = 9 feet * 12 inches/foot = 108 inches
7.5 ft = 7.5 feet * 12 inches/foot = 90 inches

Now that we have the measurements in inches, we can determine the size of the rug. The length of the rug is 108 inches, and the width is 90 inches.

Therefore, the size of a 9 ft by 7.5 ft rug, using the conversion of 1 inch equals 24 ft, is equal to 108 inches by 90 inches.