I'm really confused by the story "Score/Score" by Phyllis Gotlieb. what's the mood? what's the author's tone?

That story must still be in a book under copyright. It's not available to be read online that I can find.


To determine the mood and the author's tone in a story, it's important to analyze the language, imagery, and overall atmosphere that the story creates. Here's how you can go about understanding the mood and author's tone in Phyllis Gotlieb's "Score/Score":

1. Read the story: Begin by reading the story carefully. Take note of the events, setting, and characters, and pay attention to the emotions and atmosphere portrayed.

2. Analyze the language: Look closely at the words and phrases used by the author. Are they predominantly positive, negative, or neutral? Descriptive or vague? This will give you insights into the mood of the story.

3. Observe the imagery: Notice the specific details or vivid descriptions used in the story. Do they evoke a sense of fear, happiness, sadness, or any other emotions? Imagery can greatly influence the mood of a story.

4. Consider the atmosphere: Pay attention to the overall atmosphere created by the story. Is it tense, light-hearted, mysterious, or somber? The atmosphere can shape the mood and give you clues about the author's intention.

5. Examine the characters' emotions: Evaluate the emotions experienced by the characters throughout the story. Are they hopeful, frightened, angry, or apathetic? Characters' emotional states can reflect the prevailing mood.

6. Evaluate the author's tone: Tone refers to the attitudes and feelings conveyed by the author. Consider whether the author seems critical, humorous, sympathetic, or detached. The author's tone can often be inferred through their portrayal of characters and events.

By following these steps and analyzing various elements of the story, you should be able to gain a better understanding of the mood and author's tone in "Score/Score" by Phyllis Gotlieb.